Construction of Ecological Utilization of Medical Waste in Ethiopia
In cooperation with company EVECO Brno, the project documentation for the construction of a facility for the ecological management of hospital waste in the Ethiopian hospital Felege Hiwot Referral (FHRH) was prepared based on the requirements of the project beneficiary.

Although the implementation of the project was significantly hampered by the unstable political situation in the country and place of implementation (Bahir Dar) and the planned seminar for the professional public, donor institutions, foreign representatives and the visit of Czech senators had to be postponed for several months, the project was successfully completed in November 2019.
Given the high interest of the FHRH partner in the construction of the technology, the results of the first phase of the project (Feasibility Study) and the current course of the project, according to EVECO Brno, the construction of the EVECONT unit in the FHRH hospital has high potential. Moreover, the FHRH has been intensively addressing development banks and other donors from the outset who could contribute financially to the construction of the facility.