Green Solutions for Sustainable Development and Growth in Monze District, Zambia
Project implementor: Caritas Czech Republic
Donor: Czech Development Cooperation
Implementation period: 2023-2025
The main source of livelihood for the inhabitants of the Monze district is agriculture, particularly maize production. However, in recent years, maize production has gradually declined, partly due to climate change and production systems. The agricultural sector in the district has significant potential for diversification and increased production. However, small and medium-scale farmers face similar barriers to realizing their potential as the rest of Zambia. They lack adequate agronomic knowledge for cultivating diversified crops, insufficient financial capital for purchasing seeds and fertilizers, and limited resources for equipment, mechanization, and irrigation. Farmers also have limited options for selling their produce, often selling it at low prices. This is partly due to restricted access to market price information and individual bargaining power.

The project aims to contribute to increasing the productivity and income of small and medium-scale farmers, especially women and youths, through the implementation of resilient and sustainable agricultural practices and better integration into market-oriented value chains in Monze, Southern Province, Zambia. A minimum of 1,650 small and medium-scale farmers from the Monze district will have technical capacities in sustainable and eco-friendly cultivation of soybeans and sunflowers, post-harvest processing, storage, production diversification, natural resource management, agroforestry, and climate change. These farmers will possess basic financial literacy, use financial services, and have facilitated markets for their produce. Five small and medium-sized enterprises in Monze will be supported in business development and transitioning to a green economy by building capacities in entrepreneurial skills and management, production certification, and principles of a green economy.
The HS team created an expert analysis to prepare sufficient evidence to inform further strategic steps to support the irrigation construction sector in the Monze area. On the basis of the expert analysis, the team also conducted a series of trainings (effective conservation and use of water resources in the landscape with links to the introduction of irrigation systems, self-help construction of rooftop systems).
The HS team recommended appropriate technologies for processing agricultural produce in Monze, with emphasis on affordability and simplicity of technologies to make them suitable especially for women and the young. HS also conducted training on selected processing technologies and training on proper post-harvest handling, storage and marketing of agricultural produce.
The HS team also undertook business skills training with a focus on the digital format that was preferred by the beneficiaries. They learned how to create simple online invoices, business cards and logos, for example, were introduced to basic cash flow calculation tools and were also introduced to artificial intelligence. In this regard, the HS team also created an online business monitoring tool for local businesses.
An analysis of SMEs and start-ups in the agri-food sector in Monze district was also carried out and subsequently 5 companies were selected for the programme based on the criteria developed by the HS team. These companies, among others, participated in a workshop done by HS to introduce the principles of the green economy, and have practically started to incorporate the selected green principles into their existing business activities.