iAGRO – Improving Agriculture Value Chain in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia
Project Implementer: Diakonie ČCE
Donor: Czech Development Cooperation and Australian Lutheran World Service
Implementation period: 2021-2023
80 % of Cambodia's population lives in rural areas, more than a third of whom make their living by cultivating the soil. However, crop and livestock productivity remains generally on low level and rising input costs threaten the economic self-sufficiency of producers.Most of the harvested crops are not further processed in Kampong Speu province. Farm gate prices are low and it is often not even worthwhile for farmers to harvest their crops. However, processing can preserve them and increase their value. These value-added products can then be used for sale, which increases the income of local households.
The development of agro-processing is hampered by poor transport infrastructure, lack of access to more efficient technologies and market information, poor access to credit, and lower levels of overall literacy. There is a lack of training opportunities in further crop processing and the long distance to existing training centres is also a problem.

The aim of the project was to diversify the income sources of small entrepreneurs and farmers through agricultural and non-agricultural activities. The project focused on adult education, for which there is a lack of opportunities in the conventional education system. They were given access to a training centre that was not available in the target area.
The training centre provides training in food processing and technology support to local farmers and cooperatives. It aims to increase the capacity of agricultural cooperatives and their members. Cooperative members are trained in small business activities including financial planning and management, business plan development, market research or internet literacy and internet marketing.
HS team was mainly involved in technical and food processing training in the form of drying, sterilization and fermentation.
HS also developed a technical plan for the renovation and modification of the training centre and its equipment, and focused on the technical design of a suitable storage area (cellar).