Livelihood Stabilisation and Development in Response to Climate Change, Zambia
Project Implementer: CARE Czech Republic, z.s.
Donor: Czech Development Cooperation
Implementation period: 2020-2023
The majority of the population in rural Zambia, especially women, depends on agriculture. Despite its high potential, the agricultural sector in the area faces a number of constraints and challenges, including the impacts of climate change, environmental degradation, poor quality of services or malnutrition. Agricultural practices in crop and livestock production tend to be unsustainable in the long term. Diversity of grown crops is low, and no improved varieties are grown. Irrigation infrastructure is inadequate or completely lacking. Livestock productivity is affected by disease, lack of pasture and water, unsustainable husbandry practices and poor extension services. Unsustainable deforestation for charcoal production also increases the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation.
Smallholder farmers play an important role in the sustainable production of food with high nutritional value not only for their own consumption but also for local, regional and national markets. However, they often do not have stable access to land (rent, ownership), to financial and advisory services and to the market itself.

The project aimed to increase the food security of the poorest smallholder farmers in Kalomo district, Southern Province, Zambia, to reduce the vulnerability of their livelihoods to the effects of climate change, and also to increase women's participation in decision-making processes and their economic self-sufficiency.
HS team developed a value chain analysis focusing on fruit trees and cover crops at the request of local partners. Based on the analysis, HS then provided both theoretical and practical training on fruit preservation and processing of the most in-demand cover crops. The most appropriate processing technologies available were also recommended.
Based on the field visit, a training manual on growing, storage, packaging and marketing of agricultural products was also developed. The manual was a starting point for low input and/or smallholder farmers. Farmers are advised to try out these practices and compare them with their current practices. They can then adapt any of the practices to better suit local conditions or available materials.