Silvopastoral Systems in Zambia
Project implementor: Mendel University in Brno
Donor: Czech Development Cooperation
Implementation period: 2020-2023
A significant majority of Zambian farmers are small-scale farmers, for whom agriculture is often their only source of livelihood. The main problems faced by farmers are low productivity of farming practices, limited diversification of crop production, lack of access to agricultural inputs and resources needed to increase production. In addition, mismanagement of natural resources and poor quality land and livestock management, adherence to traditional practices, failure to feed livestock during the dry season, poor quality livestock care, inefficient agricultural markets, lack of business education and climate change and its impacts. Due to these problems, the productivity of smallholder farmers is low, affecting their income levels and the nutrition of their families. Household poverty is one of the factors contributing to the increased incidence of malnutrition among local children.

The main objective of the project was to increase agricultural production and productivity of smallholder farmers in the Southern Province of Zambia (specifically in Choma and Monze districts) through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices, thereby increasing the income of smallholder farmers and contributing to a higher standard of living for the local population.
The intention of the project was to contribute to improving the socio-economic status of smallholder farmers and women farmers, with a focus on their families and single women farmers, through improved agricultural productivity.
The HS team developed an analysis of the accessibility of water and the possibility of rehabilitating non-functioning or unused water sources and watering points with the aim of either rehabilitating or implementing new water sources in places where communities do not have access to water, even though water is relatively easily available.
Based on this study, the HS developed technical designs for rehabilitation of selected sites and these resources were rehabilitated by local communities under the technical supervision of the HS and officially handed over to these communities for management. In addition, some other farmers have started building their own water dams using simple project techniques, which is a great result.
The HS team also analyzed the possibilities of processing agricultural surpluses, which can be given a longer life and sold at a higher profit with the right techniques. The company recommended suitable multipurpose processing technologies for several of the most widely grown crops. Some of the technologies were purchased by the implementer and HS provided farmers training on crop processing and post-harvest loss reduction and continuous technical support.
In addition, HS provided training of trainers in basic business skills and business plan development. These trainers then trained farmers who were able to apply for micro-grants to support their farming activities based on their business plans. The HS developed criteria for evaluating the business plans and participated in their evaluation. The HS then monitored the farmers who received the grants and evaluated the benefits of the grant to the individual farmers at the end of the project.